
miscarriage of justice



miscarriage of justice为短语/超纲词汇

miscarriage of justice

(law 律) failure of a court to administer justice properly 审判不公; 误审; 误判
*Sending an innocent man to prison is a clear miscarriage of justice. 把无辜的人投入监狱显然是审判不公.

miscarriage of justice

mis.carriage of 'justice
pluralmiscarriages of justice
n [U and C]
a situation in which someone is wrongly punished by a court of law for something they did not do
 the victim of a serious miscarriage of justice
1. We should prevent a miscarriage of the law.

2. We might say that justice has been done when a man´s innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.

3. We can't really call a friend to say we got a parcel from our sister, or it's getting dark earlier now, or we don't trust that new Supreme Court justice.

4. There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract conception .

5. There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract conception .

6. The trial was a travesty of justice.

7. The word justice is usually associated with courts of law.

8. There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept.

9. Then we shall make America a land of true liberty and justice for all!

10. NANCY: But my speech was about...about America, about liberty and justice for all... (Cries softly)
    南茜 但是我的发言是……是讲美国,讲大家都享有自由和公平待遇……(轻轻地哭)
